for 2 and 3 y/o children

A full-time Russian language Immersion Daycare for 2 and 3 y/o children on the Upper West Side of Manhattan

Tuition Fees
Academic Calendar
Our educational approach is rooted in play-based learning, integrating both structured enrichment activities and free play to provide a holistic developmental experience. We strive to cultivate an environment that fosters creativity and encourages a sense of community among all participating families. Our curriculum is designed to target seven key areas of child development, each with clearly defined goals and a step-by-step program. This approach ensures that children not only enjoy their childhood to the fullest but also acquire, practice, and master essential skills along the way.

1. Language and Speech Development

- Verbal Comprehension: Engaging in activities that require listening and understanding spoken language helps children develop their ability to comprehend instructions, stories, and conversations.
- Speech Development: Practicing speech sounds, intonation, and rhythm enhances children's speech clarity and fluency.
- Diction, Pronunciation, and Articulation: Activities focused on correct pronunciation and clear articulation of words help improve communication skills.
- Vocabulary Building: Through exposure to diverse words and contexts, children expand their vocabulary, which is crucial for effective communication and literacy.
- Communication in Full, Grammatically Correct Sentences: Encouraging children to express themselves using complete sentences fosters language fluency and grammatical accuracy.
- Poems, Nursery Rhymes, Fairy Tales, Patterns Recital and - Recognition: Engaging with these forms of literature enhances language rhythm, pattern recognition, and storytelling skills.
- The Alphabet Learning: Learning letters and their sounds lays the foundation for reading and writing skills.

2. Early Logic Development

- Recognition of Colors and Geometric Figures: Activities involving colors and shapes promote visual discrimination and spatial awareness.
- Sorting and Organizing: Sorting objects based on attributes like size, shape, or color develops categorization skills and logical thinking.
- Puzzles Solving: Solving puzzles enhances problem-solving abilities, spatial reasoning, and perseverance.
- Logic and Critical Thinking: Engaging in logic-based games and activities fosters analytical thinking, reasoning, and decision-making skills.
- Spatial Cognition: Activities that involve understanding spatial relationships, directions, and maps improve spatial awareness.
- Counting to 10: Learning and practicing counting develop early math skills, number recognition, and numerical reasoning.

3. Exploring the World Around Us

- Knowledge and Orientation Skills: Learning about the environment, landmarks, and directions promotes spatial awareness and geographical understanding.
- Wild and Domestic Animals: Studying animals fosters curiosity, empathy, and understanding of different species and habitats.
- Seasons: Exploring seasonal changes develops observation skills, understanding of weather patterns, and temporal concepts.
- Plants and Insects: Learning about plants and insects nurtures curiosity about nature, biodiversity awareness, and scientific inquiry skills.
- Transport: Studying different modes of transportation enhances understanding of technology, geography, and human mobility.
- History of New York City, Countries, and Continents: Exploring history and geography fosters cultural awareness, global perspective, and appreciation for diversity.

4. Music and Rhythm

- Dancing and Singing: Participating in rhythmic movements and singing activities promotes coordination, musicality, and self-expression.
- Music Games: Engaging in musical games develops listening skills, rhythm recognition, and memory.
- Rhythmics: Practicing rhythmic patterns enhances motor coordination, timing, and synchronization.
- Baby Orchestra with Various Music Instruments: Playing musical instruments promotes fine motor skills, and creativity.

5. Arts and Crafts

- Imagination and Small Motor Skills: Engaging in creative activities stimulates imagination, fine motor control, and hand-eye coordination.
- Painting, Drawing, Collaging: Creating visual art develops artistic expression, color recognition, and spatial perception.
- Crafts (Lacing, Sewing, Gluing, etc.): Participating in crafts improves fine motor skills, dexterity, and attention to detail.
- Molding and Sculpting with Clay: Working with clay enhances tactile exploration, creativity, and three-dimensional thinking.
- Modeling with Various Materials: Using different materials encourages experimentation, problem-solving, and innovation.
- Art Materials Exploration: Exploring a variety of art supplies fosters sensory exploration, creativity, and self-expression.

6. Tiny Theatre

- Staging Short Plays and Fairy Tales: Participating in theatrical performances develops storytelling skills, creativity, and confidence.
- Role Playing: Engaging in role-playing activities fosters empathy, social skills, and understanding of different perspectives.
- Designing Sets for Plays: Creating visual representations enhances spatial awareness, creativity, and attention to detail.
- Creating Shadow, Puppet, and Toy Plays: Exploring different forms of puppetry and storytelling promotes imagination, fine motor skills, and narrative abilities.
- Staging End-of-the-Year Shows: Showcasing performances encourages teamwork, collaboration, and public speaking skills.

7. Sensorics

- Touch: Sensory play with textures and materials enhances fine motor skills and tactile discrimination.
- Sight: Visual exploration through colors, shapes, and patterns fosters visual-motor integration and observational skills.
- Hearing: Auditory activities like music and sound recognition improve listening skills and rhythm perception.
- Smell: Exploring scents develops olfactory senses, memory recall, and emotional responses.
- Taste: Taste experiences promote taste discrimination, healthy eating habits, and cultural appreciation.
Flexible days of enrollment and two different dismissal periods allow parents to work out the a convenient schedule and logistics for their family.
08:30-08:45 Arrival, Health Check, Free Play
08:45-09:00 Personal Hygiene Time
09:00-09:30 Circle Time, Joint Enrichment Class for 2s and 3s
09:30-10:00 Morning Snack, Story Time
10:00-10:45 Outdoor Play Time
10:45-11:15 Enrichment Class for 3s, Free Play for 2s
11:15-11:45 Enrichment Class for 2s, Free Play for 3s
11:45-12:00 Personal Hygiene Time
12:00-12:30 Lunch, Story Time
12:30-01:00 Quiet Time, Getting Ready for a Day Nap
01:00-03:00 Nap Time
03:00-03:30 Play-based Enrichment Activities

My child was never exposed to Russian. Can they attend the MOLOKO daycare?
Yes, all children are welcome to enroll.
Is there a minimum number of days per week that the child is required to attend?
Yes. To fully benefit from an immersive learning environment, a child needs to attend our program as many hours per week as possible. The minimum number of enrollment days will depend on the child's Russian language proficiency, assessed during the evaluation meeting prior to the enrollment. Non-native Russian speakers should attend the program no less than 4 days per week.
My child only speaks English. Will the teachers help my child understand the instructions?
Yes, the teachers will make everything possible to ensure the child’s comfort. All our teachers are bi- or tri-lingual.
My child has never attended a daycare and is very attached to parents. How will you handle the separation anxiety?
We will work out an individual approach for each family and each child to take care of the separation anxiety.
Do you require mandatory vaccination?
Yes, all children must comply with the NYC DOH School Admission Immunization requirements.
How do you provide safety for the children?
We follow all required safety measures, including locked/guarded entrance doors, window guards, fire exits and escape routes, water and paint lead testing, child proofed cabinets, furniture, surfaces, and objects, etc.
What about potty-training?
It is not required for a child to be potty-trained. Every child is encouraged to use the toilet during the bathroom break. Based on our experience, the vast majority of our students are capable of using the toilet by the end of the first semester. Others take longer. There is no stress or pressure and we work with each child individually.
Does Daycare provide meals for the children?
All meals and snacks are provided by the parents.
Are there other activities or classes for older children in the Studio?
Oh, yes! We have a wonderful After School Enrichment Program (AEP) for children 3-17 y.o. You can learn about it here
I am interested in the program MOLOKO. Where do I start?
Please fill out the Contact Form below.
Tuition Fees
The numbers below represent the tuition fees for
the 10-month school year, which include school recesses, holidays, and days off
3 days a week enrollment - $13,187
4 days a week enrollment - $16,162
5 days a week enrollment - $18,648
3 days a week enrollment - $19,239
4 days a week enrollment - $23,766
5 days a week enrollment - $27,350


The introduction to the MOLOKO program and admissions process consists of the following steps:

  • Filling out the Contact Form. The information in the form allows us to determine the overall level of the child and prepare the correct information for follow-up communication.
  • Initial phone call. After we review the information provided in the Contact Form, we will reach out to schedule an initial phone call and discuss the program in more detail.
  • School tour & evaluation meeting. After a phone call, we schedule a meeting to give the family a tour and to meet our potential student.
  • Trial class. Based on the evaluation meeting results, we offer a parent a trial class in the program (usually 2 hours long from 8:30 to 10:30 am). A parent may choose to leave the child when they seem calm and engaged in the group activity or stay for the entirety of the class. It is recommended to leave the child with the group for at least half the time for better adaptation in the following weeks.
  • Contract signing. If both the family and the Studio are ready to move forward with the child's enrollment, we email an e-contract to the parent for execution.
  • Tuition fee payment. The Studio uses QuickBooks for tuition fee payments, and pledges are delivered via email. Parents have the option to pay with a Credit Card (2.9% fee) or Bank Wire (1% fee). The Studio does not accept payments via PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, paper checks, cash, etc.
Contact Form
You agree with our Terms and Conditions
Contact us